Monday, August 15, 2011


So you can't exactly call it what it is but more of a statement "Love... Life" This blog is dedicated to those who look at every day, every moment that they have of life as an opportunity to make the best of life to be able to find the love for life. Be it to travel, be with family, learn something new, help someone, learn to love, love, allow someone to love you, cry for no reason, pass on a smile, compliment another, surprise yourself or someone, make a difference, know how to fall and get right back up, hug for longer than 1 min, be a true friend, be alone, getting lost, loosing yourself in music, prayer, meditate, etc... I know there are so many more ways to find love for life, but all it takes is one to start. I choose to pass on a smile tonight to start my love for life.

What will you choose to start your love for your life?

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